
OPI San Francisco Mini Set Swatches

August 06, 2013

In this post I want to share with you my swatches of the OPI San Francisco mini set.
My overall impression with this set was good, I liked the colors it included and the formula of most polishes was very good and easy to work with, despite the small brushes of the mini bottles.
I hope you will like these swatches and find this post useful in case you haven't decided yet which colors are your favorite from this collection.

Peace & Love & OPI - Silver based duo chrome with purple and green range / 2 coats, no top coat.
This is one of the colors that I was most curious about in this collection, and I was happy to see it was included in the mini set. The colors is quite interesting, and in first glance it reminded me of a previous polish by OPI from the Katy Perry collection - Not Like The Movies.
I was surprised to find that I only needed two coats for a full coverage, and the formula was really nice to work with. The purple-green duo chrome effect was pretty in the shade, but not as interesting in the sun light. Overall it's a pretty color but I wish the duo chrome effect was stronger, I think it would have been much prettier this way.


Direct Sunlight

In the cable car-pool lane - Plum / Berry creme-jelly / 2 coats, no top coat.
I really loved this color in the bottle but as for the formula, not so much. I applied two coats, and they were a bit streaky for a creme-jelly formula. The final look isn't that great with just two coats. It did look ok in the shade but you can see the semi-bald spots in the photo I took in the sun.

Muir Muir On The Wall - Dark plum with gold and red shimmer / 2 coats, no top coat.
This one is also quite interesting and I liked it's color and the formula. The shimmery finish was pretty both in the sun and in the shade, so I was very pleased with it. I found it to be a bit sheer on the first coat but the second coat gave a great coverage.

First date at the Golden Gate - Classy red creme-jelly / 2 coats, no top coat.
I have to admit I wasn't sure about this color at first, because I don't really like orange tinted reds, but I came to love this color thanks to the great formula.
I would say it's formula is much better than the one In the cable car-pool lane has, which is quite surprising since they are both creme-jelly type from the same collection.
I think this color is very flattering ind classic, so I just might change my mind about these orange-tinted reds ;) 

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  1. Gostei deste tom de vinho,achei lindoo.

  2. дуохром понравился и шиммерная слива )

  3. I'm so glad you reviewed the mini set! I think I might get this instead of picking just one full size.


  4. Muir Muir on the wall is just perfect color.
    It's a shame that In the car pool-lane formula is not so great, because the color in the bottle is lovely.


  5. I absolutely love Peace & Love & OPI! So pretty! I just got mine last week but haven't tried it yet.

  6. Wow, gorgeous swatches. I was going to skip but the mini set looks enticing!

  7. Uau, marvilhosas as cores! Minha preferida é a Muir Muir On The Wall...

    Beijoooo ♥ ♥
    Unhas em Destaque

  8. Thank you for the swatches was wondering about the mini collection now I know! Awesome!
